"Though my head is in constant 'idea' mode, in reality I have very simple desires when it comes to my art and my hopes for the future. I just want to keep creating, to keep finding those precious snippets of time and drive that keep me popping into my little studio when my boys aren't looking. Whether it's a mere 5 minutes or a luscious 30 minute stretch in the early morning, I want to keep adding those shark fin marks, unrestrained scribbles, pops of color and hints of pizzazz to my works. I want to continue to buy tubes of glorious paint, reams of textured watercolor paper and Neocolor II crayons and I want my artwork to continue to evolve as I grapple with new techniques, processes and mediums. " -Melanie Roach
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"My situation is unique since her mom and I aren't together as a nuclear family. So I lead two lives really, working artist in existential crisis and then rad dad mode. They are parallel but it doesn't mix in my situation when I have my daughter I'm in dad mode. My time with her needs to be extra special to me, This means my schedule needs to be flexible. I have no advice, I have no idea what I'm doing. My advice would be if your daughter asks to make the stuffed animal talk just make the thing talk because that's all she wants right now." - Mark Pernice
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"Since having my son nearly four years ago now, my work and approach has certainly changed for the better. It’s funny how children force you to get laser-focused and efficient at whatever it is you do. And trust me, “laser-focused” is not an adjective I would have ever used to describe myself. Part of that and probably the biggest change has been simply staying on task and “creating” on a schedule – something that you’re just forced to do with children. Basically, I now listen to my instinct a lot more, which in turn has helped to instill a certain confidence in my work. My son has given me a new source of energy and motivation to create despite the daily stresses of being a mother. His imagination and thirst for discovery are infectious and I try to channel that into my work EVERY day." - Eva Magill-Oliver
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