"Luckily I’ve found that working in small bursts here and there does have its benefits (despite sometimes being frustrating). I’ve realised it’s good to have plenty of time to reflect on a painting in between stages; it helps to ‘live’ with it for a day or two and come back to it with fresh eyes to build up the colours. Also I think having limited time really pushes me to be bold and take risks; there simply isn’t time to procrastinate." - Emily Harrison
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"I am still very new to parenting, but I think it is important for my son to see that I have a creative life of my own. I am a strong believer in kids having alone time to play (sans technology) and let their imagination run wild, and I think I will set an example by showing him that I have my own personal time to be creative. I hope they will take away that even as an adult, they can aspire to continually use their imagination and creativity." - Jessica Levitz
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