"there have been a lot of ebbs and flows in terms of my creative process. I think I have actually been more prolific since having children as it’s as if I feel more of an urgency to make and create in the time I’ve been given, generally once the kiddies are asleep! It has forced my work to move on a smaller scale too and more recently have been using watercolours as they are way to pack away and quick to dry. " -Paula McGurdy
"I think showing children what it means to be creative is a priceless lesson, especially in today's world where we need creativity. We encourage children to go into STEM fields, not realizing how much creativity is needed to be in those professions, denigrating the part that the arts and humanities play in our lives and in culture as a whole." - Julia Rymer
"I hope my kids take away the importance of being creative in life. It can be a good soother and fulfills a need I think we all have to participate in life from a different angle. I also want them to know that they can do something they love and find a way to make it happen. I feel like an artistic practice teaches a type of ingenuity and problem solving that can serve them well. I also hope that the way I see things is advantageous to them, how I point out color or something that in nature is simply beautiful. It is a way to find joy all the time." - Heather Kirtland
"I think being an artist sets a good example for Anouk; I think it’s so important to have something you love, that is all yours; not your parents’, your mate’s, your friend’s…it makes you more independent and fulfilled. I hope she finds that thing she loves someday, whether it’s art or music or science or whatever else she dreams up!" -Oriana Lewton-Leopold